Choose the location, where you want to install it and name the VM as your pleases.It doesn't matter if Full name mismatch User name. Create a new virtual machine and add RHEL iso.And I will do it using VMware Workstation Player. I have divided the installation inroduction to two parts - OS installation and Cadence Installation. Maybe Windows11 and my AMD 3900x caused it? Well, I don't know~~~ I highly recommond you using Vrtual Box or VMware Workstation Player, because I felt the mouse pointer is quite fluent as in Windows Desk. Virtual Box, VMware Workstation Player and Hyper-V. A DVD installation ISO of RHEL operating system.But I don't have access to the licensed Cadence, also the PDK, so you know.

I try my best to protect copyright by using the licensed software. And if you want to install it on a RM (Real Machine), you can follow the same way, too. So, here, I will tell you all how to install Cadence IC617 on a VM (Virtual Machine). However, the real scene was quit different, even thought the paper has clainmed the size of mosfets, capacitors and resistors. I mean I still remember when I first read a paper about Bandgap, what I thought is that the circuit is so easy, which I could make it as soon as the speed of light. For beginners, you may feel confident after reading papers.