With every new generation added we assign a higher number to the generation in a family tree. As your tree develops and you discover more about the generations in your family tree, you will add a generation. Generally speaking, the bottom level of the family tree will always be marked as the first generation, with their parents forming the second generation and their grandparents forming the third generation.

The third generation of a family tree would include your grandparents and their brothers and sisters. The generation above you would include your parents and their brothers and sisters (your aunt and uncles) and would be considered the second generation. Take your own family, for example, you, your siblings and cousins would be considered one generation or the first generation. It is common to display family trees from the top down with the oldest generations being show at the top and the youngest generations shown at the bottom of the tree. A generation represents the members of a family born and living around the same point in time. What is a Generation in a Family Tree? Generation in a Family TreeĪ common question we receive from users centres around the meaning of the term generation in a family tree.